Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Up the Mountain/Out of the Hole

Kalum Lake and the Big Cedar River from Wesach Mountain (Rosswood, BC)

Well, it didn't take much for summer to become fall (approximately over night?) and not a moment too soon, in my opinion. I realize it's culturally inappropriate as a Canadian to complain about summer, but I for one have been done for about a month now and holding that in is KILLING me. The fact that we have been in a level 4 drought and heat wave while our province burns around us was a slight detraction, although generally once the August long weekend passes I'm already sweating and scratching fly bites, swooning at the thought of boots and sweaters. Fall is my jam, 100%.

This past week I had the opportunity to hike Wesach (Goat) Mountain with a friend. An adult friend, who is not a child. It was heaven. The road up to the trailhead is pretty accessible although parts definitely require 4WD and good clearance. Once parked you can walk a short ways for this incredible view of Kalum Lake and almost feel complete without even having begun. The trail is quite enjoyable, and it's not all that long until you are in the alpine enjoying more spectacular views of the lake and also Maroon Mountain (this was the overnight trip we did as a family about a month ago and it was quite impressive to see it from the "other side". Huge affirmation of how much ass we kicked that day!). We stopped at the base of the actual "peak", declaring that an expedition for another season, but we definitely enjoyed scrambling around, oohing and ahhing at the views, picking juniper berries and generally just being extremely thankful to be there. When you're on top of the world with 360 degree views of mountains, lake and rivers completely untouched by human development, bliss comes easy. It also has a tendency to follow you back down and spill over into the rest of your life. And lucky for us, the next fix is literally at our doorstep. There are few problems that time spent in the wilderness can't solve, and I have no problem making it my go-to fix for all of them. .
View of Maroon Mountain from Wesach Mountain. You can see the switchback trail. Camping spot was the alpine meadows not quite visible at the top left. (Rosswood, BC)
Speaking of answers from the wild, writing about one's life questions publicly must be a good form of therapy as lately life purpose and passion has become clearer by the day. I finally came up with the formerly elusive blog title/handle that sums up all the different things that I am for and also wish to offer back to the world. My daily routines, my goals, my growing, all of them are with the intention of being physically, mentally and emotionally fit to navigate all the inner and outer wilds of this life. When all of these parts of me are strong, adaptable and open to change, I feel unstoppable. Sometimes that involves climbing mountains, but mostly it involves being at home with myself and present with my family, friends, and all the other folks met along the way. It's not always calm seas, but I can better manage the waves as they come and go when I am taking care of myself to the maximum degree. I am "Fit to be Wild" my friends, and it feels darn good. Stay tuned for more.

As an aside, I threw a little Instagram tantrum last week. My expectations of social media had become out of range, I was feeling raw and even lonely. This happens every so often when I spend to much time in the insta-sphere and I usually see it as a need to delete my presence entirely. A few lovely people talked me down and after some deep breaths and reflection I realized that the answer to being sucked down the rabbit hole wasn't to kill the rabbit. So I tried something new this time. I climbed out, brushed myself off, reached out to some friends, sent some snail mail, and as per above, went up the mountain. I am surprised to say, it worked. Nothing is black and white in this digital age, and the solution is not always the opposite of the problem. We are generation "the universe provides", "if it's meant to be it will be", we rely on "the power of intention" to "manifest our desires". Friends, this has not proven to work so well in my own life. Of course, when we put ourselves out there "like attracts like", but there is also some good honest work that needs to be done. Since considering what it is that I truly want for my life right now, I've been awkwardly and uncomfortably seeking out adventures and friends to join me on them and I feel humbled by the sweet response. Social media has it's awesome place, especially living where we do, but to really build a community - reliable, in real life connections - moving past the idea stage and actually, directly reaching out to people goes miles beyond hashtags and desire. I feel so incredibly blessed by the people in my life, new friendships that are being made and the ones yet to come. I love how easily we can share photos and experiences online, but what truly satisfies happens in real life. So, real people of the world, please consider this my open invitation to join me on any and all adventures. I am a tad shy in real life and (humorously? endearingly?) awkward, but I want to build deep and meaningful friendships here in this place that has solidly become our home. As above, the wilderness holds the answer to everything, and being there with old or new friends, big or small, is the very best of all.

Our playground, Kalum Lake.

Up the Mountain/Out of the Hole

Kalum Lake and the Big Cedar River from Wesach Mountain (Rosswood, BC) Well, it didn't take much for summer to become fall (approxi...